Here is a model that is commonly used to describe the process of behavior change. Keep in mind that this is only one model and other considerations may need to be accounted for as well. However it may be a useful resource and a good place to start. As you look through the information below, consider your current situation as well as reflect back on previous situations when change was easy as well as times when it was difficult, and little or no change occurred. What did you discover?
stages of change
Not really aware there is a problem
No intent on changing
Behavior(s) in question has more pros than cons
i.e."All my friends smoke and it’s big part of what we do together…”
Become aware that there may be a problem
i.e. I know smoking is supposed to be bad for you, but all my friends smoke and it’s big part of what we do together…”
Thinking about changing
Seeking information
Evaluating the pros and cons about changing
Not ready to change
Ready to change - attitude and behavior
“Smoking is unhealthy for me, I want to quite for good”.
Early signs of change
Begin to take steps
Research the various options to stop smoking that seem right for you
Modifying Behavior
Learning skills to prevent reversal to old behavior
Sustaining changes that have been reversed
Return to Unwanted Behavior
Return to previous behavior
it’s always helpful to acknowledge that this as a real possibility and plan accordingly for it
There is often a reason why we do what we do, so let’s look at this from a place of curiosity and build upon prior success
There is no shame here